PGA Merchandise Show — Best Marketing Practice #4

We spent 3 1/2 days at the 2019 PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, where we saw some examples of the best golf-related marketing in the world. Here’s #4 in our Best Practices Series of tips and suggestions on how your company can benefit from what those smart marketers know.
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← PGA Merchandise Show — Best Marketing Practice #3PGA Merchandise Show — Best (Worst) Marketing Practice #5 →
All things we practiced this year at the Show. Adaptive Golfers engaged the passer byers by challenging them to try hitting a different way. We had them hit one Handed, seated, and blind folded to help them switch place and feel the feelings we do as Adaptive Golfers when we first get syarted! It was amazing to watch as people had an Aha moment. When that happened it was powerful!